Title: Bundles – Dain 9 HD Pro Bundle – download for Daz Studio or Poser
The Dain 9 Pro Bundle is a comprehensive bundle with everything you need to build incredible action-adventure or horror renders. Included are a medium-length wavy hairstyle, an undercut hairstyle, three different outfits, a classic military bike, and even motorcycle poses and wartime facial expressions to enhance your 3D compositions.
Also for the first 30 days, as a Genesis 9 Pro Bundle Value Add we've included the following alternate shapes:
Dain 9 HD Emaciated
Dain 9 HD Toon
Dain 9 HD Young Adult
With these and the base Dain character, you can take your new Genesis 9 Pro Bundle character through varying stages of life with the simple spin of a dial.
Please see each product's page for details.
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