Daz3D-Poser » Bundles » Khemsit 8 Ancient Egyptian Handmaiden Bundle

Khemsit 8 Ancient Egyptian Handmaiden Bundle

Dawnload Khemsit 8 Ancient Egyptian Handmaiden Bundle for free
Image: Khemsit 8 Ancient Egyptian Handmaiden Bundle

Title: Bundles – Khemsit 8 Ancient Egyptian Handmaiden Bundle – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Khemsit is a graceful handmaiden in her time.

Although a servant to her king, she is both regarded and treated as an employee, as opposed to a slave.

Because of her good favor with her master and mistress, she's allowed to continue her studies, and Khemsit often dreams of travel, getting lost in her passion for researching other parts of the world, many unknown.

The Khemsit 8 Ancient Egyptian Bundle will have her ready for all occasions, from serving her mistress to stealing out and exploring the ancient city. This Bundle includes Khemsit 8, additional characters Ahmunet, Nefer HD and Nenetesh, a stylized Bob Hair, a Makeup set, and three amazing Outfits fit for Ancient Egypt.

Home Page: LINK

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18-07-2022, 12:20 772 2


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  1. Michael Walker from 5 July 2023 21:12

    Please reload turbobit here

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    1. audi from 8 July 2023 11:57
      Fixed - try now

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