Title: Characters – 3DA Kenzi for Genesis 8.1 Female – download for Daz Studio or Poser
Kenzi for G8.1 Female by 3-D Arena is a lovely new character perfect for beach, fantasy, sci-fi or everyday scenes. Kenzi includes a geoshell swimsuit created with 9 texture options & a matching tanline, as well as different skin tones. She includes a glute smoothing morph that applies at a partial setting - feel free to adjust as you desire.
Kenzi's skin MATs take advantage of the PBR Skin Shader system and use the Genesis 8.1 UV maps.
No additional morph products are required to use Kenzi!! She does include options for the navel dial that is included with Genesis 8.1 Female.
She includes fibermesh brows, custom shaping for body, head, nails, lashes, glute smoothing (for swimsuit) and more.
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