Daz3D-Poser » Characters » Galeexa HD for Genesis 8.1 Female

Galeexa HD for Genesis 8.1 Female

Dawnload Galeexa HD for Genesis 8.1 Female for free
Image: Galeexa HD for Genesis 8.1 Female

Title: Characters – Galeexa HD for Genesis 8.1 Female – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Before all, a bit of biography: She's commander of the Elite Empire Guard, of Aamnit race. Her species evolved on a high gravity world. Reptilian half-humans with black eyes and infrared vision, razor-sharp teeth, and blue/purple skin. As carnivorous aliens, they only eat twice a year. Their society is ruled by the military. They all mostly live on islands of one lake that cover 4/5 of their planet's surface. They smell like sulfur. Although they appear to be anatomically similar to humans, they do not have exoskeletons but rather cartilaginous skeletons surrounded by soft tissue and leathery skin. They drink the blood of other members of their own species as a delicacy. During their annual mating season, females experience fits of violent rage and will often fight over the right to mate with a male. They are considered extremely dangerous.

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9-05-2023, 10:54 302 0


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