Daz3D-Poser » Characters » Ami for A4

Ami for A4

Dawnload Ami for A4 for free
Image: Ami for A4

Title: Characters – Ami for A4 – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Ami’s textures include a natural skin option, Eyebrow transmap, One natural face texture, eight eye colors, 10 make-up maps (from natural to exotic), a sparkly corset and little undie (second skin) texture set in “masked” form to use the blender node in Poser and the Layered Image Editor in DAZ Studio and two cute and feminine tattoo options.

Ami for A4 has been optimized for DAZ Studio and Poser 5-7, to achieve the most realistic renders possible! Little details such as a Lac Trans for the Lacrimals, enhanced bump maps and the use of Shaders in DAZ Studio and Poser bring these textures to life!

Home Page: LINK

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23-02-2021, 09:41 1 054 0


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