Title: Clothing – Dystopia Pompahawk – The Aftermath Collection for Genesis 9 – download for Daz Studio or Poser
Welcome to The Aftermath!
A Collection inspired by The post-apocalypse.
Dystopia Pompahawk is a highly detailed unisex accessory set ready for all your post-apocalyptic artistic needs and characters. Super customizable with vibrant metals, leathers, and feathers to create fantastic character portraits. Ear Climber & Hawk feather ear cuff included!
Plus preset style options for fast and easy styling to get you started on an adventure.
A large variety of morphs are also included for easy fitting and posing on any character for Genesis 9 you wish. Some shapes may be supported by auto-follow. All materials are optimized for Iray render engine.
Stay tuned... there is more to come... collect them all!
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