Daz3D-Poser » Clothing » Cyber Implants for Genesis 8 Females

Cyber Implants for Genesis 8 Females

Dawnload Cyber Implants for Genesis 8 Females for free
Image: Cyber Implants for Genesis 8 Females

Title: Clothing – Cyber Implants for Genesis 8 Females – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Cyber Implants for Genesis 8 Females is a great add-on for cyberpunk and android characters. It comes with 8 geograft implants for both left and right leg and arm joints. It seamlessly blends with Genesis 8 Female skin textures. Also included are 15 hierarchical material poses for easy application. It can also be used on Genesis 8.1 Females. Plus, here's a short tutorial on making your own hierarchical material poses. Cyber Implants for Genesis 8 Females is great for all your sci-fi scenes.

Bonus Materials are included for additional figures. These Hierarchical materials will only work if you have the character texture set installed.

Home Page: LINK

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25-04-2021, 10:16 1 098 0


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