Title: Other – Advanced Material Converter – download for Daz Studio or Poser
The product consists of 2 scripts: AMC Converter and AMC Shader Config. AMC Converter is the tool you use to set up a conversion of a prop package or a complete environment set using the built-in advanced shader definitions, or your own homemade advanced shader definitions. The advanced shader definitions are not merely shaders, but advanced material conversion operations that will perform operations that you before always had to do manually, like for example using the old shader's Ambient or Diffuse color and/or map for the Emission. It can also deal with things like adjust, set, multiply or invert shader property values so the conversion really handles the differences between how different render engines interpret the different settings.
You need to start converting from .duf files, so if the product you want to convert does not come as a .duf, you have to convert it to .duf with Legacy Set Converter or manually first.
As AMC Converter scans the existing files to analyze their information and to create newly updated props, presets, and/or material files, it will not convert People, Wearables or Hair, as they need to be saved in ways that require too much human intervention and knowledge to be automated.
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