Daz3D-Poser » Other » Mirror Geometry for Genesis 9

Mirror Geometry for Genesis 9

Dawnload Mirror Geometry for Genesis 9 for free
Image: Mirror Geometry for Genesis 9

Title: Other – Mirror Geometry for Genesis 9 – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Mirror Hair and Clothing with the new Mirror Geometry for Genesis 9!

This powerful script quickly and easily creates mirror images of hair and clothing that are virtually indistinguishable from the original items. Mirror items support the same bone hierarchy, morphs (including JCMs), DFormers, rigid follow nodes, and more. Even hierarchical material presets will work with your new mirrored items!

The RSE Mirror Geometry for Genesis 9 from Esha and RiverSoft Art can:

Mirror Clothing and dForce Clothing
Mirror Hair

Note: dForce hair and strand-based hair are not supported

Home Page: LINK

Download links:

9-11-2023, 10:41 338 0


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