Daz3D-Poser » Other » IBL Skies - Horse Tails

IBL Skies - Horse Tails

Dawnload IBL Skies - Horse Tails for free
Image: IBL Skies - Horse Tails

Title: Other – IBL Skies - Horse Tails – download for Daz Studio or Poser


The IBL Skies series features Image Based Lighting sky domes covering sunrise to high Noon and back to sunset! Each set comes with twenty-six (26) high definition 128 Megapixel HDRI sky domes (16,384 x 8,192 @ 32-bit) for the absolute most realistic looking skies you can have. Each set covers the complete range of sun angles from on the horizon to directly overhead, so you can completely control the light angle and still have a perfect sky that matches your chosen light angle! Just choose your sun angle and then use the included presets to rotate the dome to get the perfect lighting angle to make your characters pop!

Home Page: LINK

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17-12-2020, 10:05 1 054 0


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