Daz3D-Poser » Other » Accelerator for UltraScenery

Accelerator for UltraScenery

Dawnload Accelerator for UltraScenery for free
Image: Accelerator for UltraScenery

Title: Other – Accelerator for UltraScenery – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Give UltraScenery a speed boost with Accelerator for UltraScenery.

This Daz Studio plugin (for Windows and MacOS) dramatically cuts the time it takes for UltraScenery to generate scenes.

Using the plugin SDK instead of the scripting engine to process UltraScenery ecologies enables the Accelerator to generate scenes 5-10x faster than the original script.

Once installed use UltraScenery in just the same way you always have - but much faster. Get Accelerator for UltraScenery today and make your favorite ecologies with hypersonic speed!

Home Page: LINK

Download links:

30-12-2020, 11:52 1 201 1


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  1. Filesize only400kiloQUESTION from 7 February 2022 21:36
    Installation unknown, failed? Absolutely, because the interface doesn't say acceleration (the purported green banner, not appear).

    Detail : no dll or plugin is shipped with the package. The correct size must be megabytes (win dll + mac if necesssary).

    However, your sharing is <500 KB. Please fix.

    TL;DR invalid content, not plugin was found inside, only DIM installa (registered as installed, but non functiona)

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