Daz3D-Poser » Props » Medieval Scene Kit

Medieval Scene Kit

Dawnload Medieval Scene Kit for free
Image: Medieval Scene Kit

Title: Props – Medieval Scene Kit – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Big environments are fine but sometimes you just need something smaller.
This set can be as big or as small as you like!

Need a background for a portrait? Load one single wall.
Need something bigger for a full-figure render? Load one of the ready-to-render presets or use the individual items to build your own construction.
Need something really big? Combine two or more presets, the ground plane tiles seamlessly.

The ground plane is big enough so you can move it back to get a nice depth-of-field effect for your portraits, and still have both figure and buildings on the same ground plane.

Home Page: LINK

Download links:

20-09-2022, 11:02 502 0


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