Daz3D-Poser » Props » Cryo Chamber

Cryo Chamber

Dawnload Cryo Chamber for free
Image: Cryo Chamber

Title: Props – Cryo Chamber – download for Daz Studio or Poser


The cryogenicisists at SkyCaptain Industries has been hard at work in order to bring you this state of the art cryo chamber! In order to withstand the extreme low temperatures necessary in cryotech, the basic construction is a sturdy metal chamber of specially hardened steel. The exterior is made of wood to act as insulation betwwen the chamber and the outside world. The temperature is regulated via the two valves.

* Fully posable when used within Poser 6 or up
* Door can be opened and closed and all valves can be rotated
* High quality modeling and texturing
* Major texture maps are 2048 x 2048 in pixel size

Home Page: LINK

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26-09-2022, 14:27 358 0


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