Daz3D-Poser » Props » Turk’s Cap Lilies

Turk’s Cap Lilies

Dawnload Turk’s Cap Lilies for free
Image: Turk’s Cap Lilies

Title: Props – Turk’s Cap Lilies – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Add the exotic to your digital spaces! With Turk's Cap Lilies, you'll have 40 detailed Turk's cap lily models in 5 different shades, ranging from subtle to gaudy, at your fingertips!

These elegant beauties come in clumps, swathes, and single plants (great for instancing), and as previously mentioned, 5 fabulous colorways! As with all of my plants, you can make one model and its instances look like hundreds of different plants by altering the Y rotation and scale values slightly for each one! Don't like the color you loaded? A change is but a click away as all of the five colors are included in the materials folder!

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20-10-2022, 09:54 433 0


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