Daz3D-Poser » Props » Wild Dog Rose – Flowering Hedgerow Shrubs for Daz Studio

Wild Dog Rose – Flowering Hedgerow Shrubs for Daz Studio

Dawnload Wild Dog Rose – Flowering Hedgerow Shrubs for Daz Studio for free
Image: Wild Dog Rose – Flowering Hedgerow Shrubs for Daz Studio

Title: Props – Wild Dog Rose – Flowering Hedgerow Shrubs for Daz Studio – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Wild Dog Rose - Flowering Hedgerow Shrubs for Daz Studio is the perfect plant for the perfect wild look! There are 30 lovely flowering, fruiting, and foliage-only wild rose bushes that will grace a digital hedgerow, thicket, or woodland edge.

Plant these beauties among urban sprawl or in a natural setting, and enjoy the subtle charm of their flowers and delicate foliage, which is guaranteed to soften even the most stark wasteland or brighten up a dark forest glade!

These lovely models of flowering shrubs have been created with a medium polygon count for use in mid-distance and distant settings and come with a full set of seasonal materials that can be applied to any of the models, giving you the full range with just a few clicks of your mouse!

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21-02-2023, 09:28 324 0


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