Daz3D-Poser » Props » Mad Engineer Creations for Daz Studio

Mad Engineer Creations for Daz Studio

Dawnload Mad Engineer Creations for Daz Studio for free
Image: Mad Engineer Creations for Daz Studio

Title: Props – Mad Engineer Creations for Daz Studio – download for Daz Studio or Poser


Steampunk machines set for G8F.


- 1 Chair on articulated foot (with erc's controls) + 1 pose for G8F + 2 mat poses open/close the cuff.
- 1 Drone fully rigged (with erc's controls) + 1 pose + 4 mats scaling options (100% 80% 50% 25%).
- 1 Lamp on articulated foot (with erc's controls) + 2 mats light ON/OFF.
- 1 Operating Table fully rigged (with erc's controls) + 1 pose for G8F + 1 pose for the table + 1 chain prop.
- 1 Uncle Wallace machine fully rigged (with erc's controls) + 2 mats light ON/OFF. The sign can be removed (separate smart prop).
- 57 Texture maps up to 4096x4096

The product is located in: Props > Powerage > Mad Engineer Creations

Home Page: LINK

Download links:

13-05-2023, 11:33 2 174 0


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