Title: Poses – Sexy Slammers 11 Poses - Own It – download for Daz Studio or Poser
Got a G8F that likes to tease, dominate, and watch her prey squirm as every ounce of their vigor is milked out of them? Or perhaps she just needs that hot beef injection, and she needs it NOW?
Then fill that hole in your library with "Sexy Slammers 11 - Own It."
Tug, suck, grind, and ride your passionate lovers or bitter rivals alike to ruinous completion with 50 unique poses (90 total, including mirrors), all focusing on the power bottom from heaven or hell...it's all your choice.
So don't just stand there...that tool ain't gonna use itself.
Though these poses were made using G8F, they will work just fine with G8.1F. They will also work with G8M and G8.1M, but tweaking will be required for best results.
Some poses in this pack were made using poses from other of my pose packs as a foundation but have been heavily modified to create new variations.
Daz hands are fickle beasts, and you CAN expect hands to require tweaking (including turning off pose limits) for best results on particular poses.
This pack does NOT include presets for the genitals since there are various options available for users with their own shapes, sizes, and rigging.
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