Daz3D-Poser » Props » Sci-Fi Holographic Chess Set

Sci-Fi Holographic Chess Set

Dawnload Sci-Fi Holographic Chess Set for free
Image: Sci-Fi Holographic Chess Set

Title: Props – Sci-Fi Holographic Chess Set – download for Daz Studio or Poser


A game as old as time, but the Sci-Fi Holographic Chess set brings this game of tactics into the future. No more fumbling with easily lost pieces, with the SHCS prop pack setting up a game of chess is as easy as a wave of the hand (or a click of a button)

Not only does this pack come with a projector in addition to the classic board and pieces, but it also comes with preset options allowing users to set up a game right from the beginning, or if you're looking for quick inspiration there's also a mid-game option!

Home Page: LINK

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4-12-2022, 15:08 356 0


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