Daz3D-Poser » Props » Retrofutur Tram Station

Retrofutur Tram Station

Dawnload Retrofutur Tram Station for free
Image: Retrofutur Tram Station

Title: Props – Retrofutur Tram Station – download for Daz Studio or Poser


This tramways entered and left the big iron station dressed like a woman wearing a corset.

The station extended its mechanical arms on either side of the catwalks which let in in regular waves of passengers.

This strange ballet unfolded like the mechanism of a music box, whose sound of clanking metal and electric arcs is sometimes drowned out by a monotonous voice coming out of the megaphones.

From station to station, the ballet never stopped, an endless dance above the sprawling city.

This impressive Victorian-style station enters your scenes. Supplied with multiple objects typical of stations (displays panels, ticket sales kiosk, department board posing rollers of directions that you can define, street lamps, benches, garbage cans, etc.). There are 25 base props, multiplied for some (like street lamps) to form a set that will spray this environment.

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15-08-2023, 09:41 304 0


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