Title: Props – Night and Day City – download for Daz Studio or Poser
You know the problem - you can use duplication and replication to build a city from individual buildings, but unless you have a huge number of building designs and shaders, you can clearly see copies of buildings throughout your scene.
Enter the InstaBuilding concept! This was designed with Instance Randomizer Plugin in mind. This enables you to generate a huge number of buildings from a handful of actual models. These building models have been specially designed to have a number of parts which can be turned on and off by the Instance Randomizer, and a large number of shading domains which are also randomized. Each model can therefore generate many different looking buildings every time you duplicate them.
There are five building designs and each is available in normal and tall versions, making ten core building models in all, each set up with shaders to use the Instance Randomizer to generate the variants. Don't worry too much about the underlying process - just press Control-D to duplicate the building, and marvel at the variations which are automatically generated for you!
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