Daz3D-Poser » Props » LBLC_Club Pole Position

LBLC_Club Pole Position

Dawnload LBLC_Club Pole Position for free
Image: LBLC_Club Pole Position

Title: Props – LBLC_Club Pole Position – download for Daz Studio or Poser


This set includes the following items Every ones a VIP at Club Pole Position we have provided you with everything you can see all you need to bring is your favorite Jedi pole dancer or or any Tom Dirke or Harry needing to relax and enjoy a show .
this set includes: ashtray, bar stool,ceiling,chair,columns,curtain1,curtain2,door,floor and back wall, light rig, north wall, pole position, side walls, stage, table and table lamp

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28-03-2023, 08:49 1 003 0


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